Is Pharmacology Difficult®️
Vonoprazan (Voquezna) was approved on November 1, 2023 for the treatment of Erosive Esophagitis. It is a potassium- competitive acid blocker (P-CAB). It is administered as Tablets
Fruquintinib (Bimzelx) was approved on November 8, 2023 for the treatment of Colorectal Cancer. It is a selective and potent oral inhibitor of VEGFR-1,-2 & -3. It is administered as Capsules.
Tirzepatide (Zepbound) was approved on November 8, 2023 for the treatment of Weight loss (Obesity). It is administered as injection. It is Glucose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor and Glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist used for chronic management of weight in adults.
ADAMTS13, Recombinant krhn (Adzynma) was approved on November 9, 2023 for the treatment of Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. It is a human recombinant “A disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs 13” (rADAMTS13) administered in Enzyme Replacement therapy (ERT).
Repotrectinib (Augtyro) was approved on November 15, 2023 for the treatment of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer. it is administered as Capsules. It is a tyrosine-kinase Inhibitor (TKI) used to treat ROS1-positive NSCLC
Taurolidine & Heparin (DefenCath) was approved on November 15, 2023 for the prevention of Catheter related bloodstream infection. This catheter lock solution is a thiadiazinane antimicrobial - anticoagulant combo administered in patients having renal failure and or on hemodialysis via a Central venous Catheter ( CVC).
Efbemalenograstim alfa-vuxw (Ryzneuta) was approved on November 16, 2023 for the treatment of Neutropenia associated with Chemotherapy. it is administered as Injection. It is a leukocyte growth factor.
Capivasertib (Truqap) was approved on November 16, 2023 for the treatment of Breast Cancer. It is administered as tablets. It is an AKT inhibitor and is commonly combined with Fulvestrant as therapy.
Nirogacestat (Ogsiveo) was approved on November 27, 2023 for the treatment of Desmoid tumours. It is administered as tablets. It is a gamma secretase inhibitor
Information from Journal Cancer has revealed that “Psilocybin” substance found in mushrooms can fight depression especially in patients suffering from Cancer. U.S. Govt considers it as Schedule 1 substance. As far as mechanism is concerned, it binds to serotonin receptor and can make a difference in mood, behaviour and perception.
Some current studies suggest that Calcium supplements may be associated with kidney stones. It in facts lowers the risk of kidney stone by binding to oxalate and preventing its absorption. But excess of everything is not good!!
Some recent research suggests that “Ibogaine” derived from Iboga plant in Central Africa. it is labelled as Schedule 1 drug but may be a good choice to treat “Opioid drug addiction” disorder.
Current study reveals a predictable connection between Marijuana use by pregnant women and resultant health risk of low birth weight of their newborn babies. It would be good to avoid cannabis during pregnancy.
Frequent use of Painkillers should be on greater check if the individual has liver/kidney problem, is pregnant, allergic to certain drugs, has history of substance-abuse, has undergone surgery or suffering from some severe medical problem.
Fentanyl use during pregnancy poses serious birth defects in new borns as per study done in California. Children seem to suffer from cleft palate, small heads and bodies and genital irregularities.
Latest research reveals that “Tinnitus” may be linked to “Phantom limb syndrome” and patients with tinnitus already are suspected to have underlying hearing loss!!
The solid reasons for the BAN of mustard oil in US & Europe regions are the components like Erucic acid and Glucosinolates which impart strong flavour to mustard oil - may actually pose cardiac health problem in experimental animals like mice. Erucic acid is more prominent in causing this risk and due to its high concentration in mustard oil, FDA has approved its non-consumption in food!
Women rely on Hormonal therapy during menopause. Plain hormonal therapy may pose risk of blood clots and addition of statins to the therapy may curb the risk of thromboembolism as suggested by research in Texas University.
Here I will be sharing some insights of Pharmacology learnings from the classes I have taken this month and all that I have read in the subject.
ANTICANCER agents were the recent topic of my study and class taken. I will be briefing some general points (certainly not the details or classification) here:
The drugs used as Anticancer agents are aimed to cure by two strategies- by either killing the cancer cells or by arresting their growth.
Being less selective, these drugs are very toxic
The 3 aims of these drugs are as follows: 1. Complete cure or long time remission, 2. Palliation/Shrinkage of tumour, 3. As added on drugs in chemotherapy
Toxicity of these drugs may be manifold like Bone marrow depression, low immunity and resultant opportunistic infections, oral mucosa damage, gut and skin and gonadal damage, secondary cancers & hyperuricaemia.
Targeted drugs are aimed to attack the selective cells. They are being specially developed and designed in two ways- 1. Specific monoclonal antibodies 2. Synthetic small molecular compounds.
Drugs should be used in Maximum Tolerated Dose (MTD) and aim for complete remission.
Combination of drugs yield better results than single drug therapies
Cell cycle specific drugs should be used in short time periods/intervals to allow Non cell cycle specific drugs to enter in between short courses.
Associated toxicity of drugs should be taken utmost care of and antidotes etc should be additionally used with the main drug therapy. Examples- Folinic acid, Mesna, Acetylcysteine, Ondensetron, Amifostine, Biological agents, etc.
Radgin Wiz®️
From Radgin Wiz Writing desk:
Nano Wrimo was good going and I aim to release my this year project- “RANJO AND THE RECKLESS COURSE OF THE AIR FLIGHT” Soon!!
The story is mainly in Japanese setting
Its a great adventure book
Kids gonna love this another wonderful piece of writing from my desk!!
Time to know CINNAMON!!
Have you noticed these woody like sticks in your kitchen? Or maybe you simply buy prepared cinnamon powder.
Cinnamon is obtained as tree extracts- the barks.!!
Its a spice and also a medicine! The darker one is Cassia Cinnamon- used mainly in USA while other - Ceylon cinnamon is common in other countries.
The main beneficial properties are- antioxidant, antibiotic and anti inflammatory.
Cinnamaldehyde is the main component in it.
It helps in lowering blood sugar and blood cholesterol.
Additionally it contains- potassium, magnesium and calcium.
It protects from Cancer and cardiac problems
Some unwanted effects faced by people consuming cinnamon are- allergies, low blood sugar, interactions and toxicity.
Its a good add on to food and drinks in moderate amount!!
Off the Cuff Talks
Finding time is an art!
As childhood changes to grown ups, one needs to learn the art of finding time - especially for the things that matter!!
There are 24 hours with all- how to utilise and find value out of them- IS TRULY AN ART!!
Cleanliness is the key- I mean clean set up and clean surroundings of work! They tend and help to get clarity of vision and ideas.
Organisation- is the next step. Right things at right place while putting the rest into waste is an adorable and smart way to makes things haste!!
Sorting out tasks- especially home and work related is smart idea to get things done quickly and in time.
FOCUS- and presence of mind- help to save time while doing a task. Time is wasted as one loses focus and mingles in unrelated, unwanted and rubbish tasks getting deflected from the main task!
Time management tools, apps and gadgets help to keep one on the track and checks too!
Setting goals and deadlines can not only save time but increase and enhance one’s performance and productivity.
Planning and Prioritizing keeps one ahead of time- it saves time, makes smart use of time and adds more time in your spare or leisure time.
Find your best work hours- morning/afternoon/evening and put your most important task in that time to achieve best results.
Stay disciplined, consistent and stick to routine
Take breaks and learn to enjoy your leisure time but don’t waste it either!! :))))
With this note, time to End the November talk here. The final full stop is soon to arrive. Year end (December Issue!) is soon to arrive and the New Year Saga begins!
Have a great and valuable time ALWAYS!!